
Intimacy extends beyond mere physical connection. For many, their sensual drive hinges on the emotional bond they share with their partner. Particularly among women, when emotional attachment is disturbed, the desire for intimacy often dwindles. Dive into the intricacies of this relationship with insights from renowned therapist Esther Perel.

Strategies to Foster Emotional Connection and Intimacy

  1. Weekly Check-ins: Dedicate time each week for open dialogue about the highlights and challenges in your relationship. The Gottman Institute offers invaluable resources on effective relationship communication.
  2. Practice Reflective Listening: Pay close attention when your partner shares. Esther Perel’s  book, Mating In Captivity, sheds light on how this simple practice can transform relationships.
  3. Prioritize Date Nights: Keep the romantic flame alive with regular date nights. Such moments can be instrumental in reinforcing emotional and physical bonds.
  4. Minimize Criticism: Persistent criticism can deteriorate the emotional bedrock of a relationship. Sue Johnson’s Emotionally Focused Therapy provides a framework to express concerns without resorting to criticism.
  5. Maintain Connection During Disputes: Arguments are part and parcel of relationships, but ensuring they don’t break your bond is crucial. Discover conflict resolution techniques from the Gottman Institute to help navigate these turbulent times.
  6. Own Your Part in Conflicts: Recognize and take responsibility for your contributions to disagreements.
  7. Cultivate Intentional Acts of Love: Incorporate deliberate acts of love and kindness in your daily routine. The Somatica Institute offers a range of exercises and practices to deepen your romantic connection.
  8. Align Words with Actions: Building trust is paramount in any intimate relationship.



Emotional attachment undeniably influences the levels of intimacy in a relationship. Fortifying this bond can not only enhance intimacy but also ensure a balanced and gratifying relationship. For those eager to delve deeper, resources from experts like Esther Perel and Somatica Institute offer a wealth of knowledge.

Melissa McManis, LCSW, Erotic Recovery Specialist